Southwest Australia
*Content on this page and affiliated posts may contain names, images and words of people who have passed away.
Proven Enduring
Noongar means ‘a person of the south-west of Western Australia,’ or the name for the ‘original inhabitants of the south-west of Western Australia’ and we are one of the largest Aboriginal cultural blocks in Australia.
Noongar are made up of fourteen different language groups…Each of these language groups correlates with different geographic areas with ecological distinctions. Noongar have ownership of our own kaartdijin (knowledge) and culture. Not all Noongar cultural history and kaartdijin can be shared.
There is no evidence that there has been any other group than Noongar in the south-west. Archaeological evidence establishes that we Noongar have lived in the area and had possession of tracts of land on our country for at least 45,000 years.
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Proven Resilient
The Stolen Generations are the Noongar and other Aboriginal children who, over one and a half centuries, were taken away from their families and placed in institutions and missions…In the face of overwhelming odds, when our culture and way of life was under direct attack, Noongar families found ways of subverting the welfare officers and the missionaries and keeping our culture alive.
One of the most common ways of resisting removal was children running away from the places they were taken to. Despite very harsh punishments for ‘absconding’, such as whipping and imprisonment, Noongar children continued to run away repeatedly. The children in missions, especially the older children, found solidarity in developing a culture of rebellion and resistance.
*Source: https://www.noongarculture.org.au/stolen-generations/
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive in the contemporary world?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Additional Resources
Download the entire Noongar slide deck for educational purposes