“You've got the sticks and that but we've got the stories and without the stories the sticks mean nothing.”

Treasy Woods (tree-see woods)

artist, Noongar Heritage Group chair

IMAGE SOURCE: “Highest honour for best in sport.” Albany Advertiser. 5 Apr 2016. | TEXT SOURCE: Tony Bennett. “Museums, Power, Knowledge: Selected Essays.” Routledge. 2017.

IMAGE SOURCE: “Highest honour for best in sport.” Albany Advertiser. 5 Apr 2016. | TEXT SOURCE: Tony Bennett. “Museums, Power, Knowledge: Selected Essays.” Routledge. 2017.

QUOTE CONTEXT: “(Museum artifacts) are objects ‘out of context, without creation to a creator’ so that a ‘story can’t be completely or appropriately communicated’ for them and thus, irrespective of whatever values museums might place on them, ‘it is not real.’”

QUOTE QUESTION: Who keeps the stories of your People?

IMAGE CONTEXT: Attending the 2015 Wellington and Reeves Sportsperson of the Year Awards at the Albany (Western Australia) Entertainment Center.

IMAGE QUESTION: What makes you smile?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from an academic book and the photo is from an online regional magazine from Western Australia.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What are the advantages and disadvantages of publishing your People’s stories in academic books vs. local newspapers?

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*Content on this page and affiliated slides may contain names, images and words of people who have passed away.


“We need some sort of ‘gap’ between Indigenous and non-Indigenous societies… a time of exclusion to allow communities to consolidate their heritages.”


“They come back to their traditional country… A very strong part of (Noongar culture) is you know where your roots are. You come back.”