*This site was conceived, researched and the non-attributed text written by Sox Sperry. Any mistakes or oversights are mine alone.
Sunset header photo - Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash
Chinese fisher photo – Chris Sperry
About Pages
Historical Context header photo - Zac Porter on Unsplash
Personal Path header photo - Dan Seddon on Unsplash
Cultural Respect and FAQs header photos - Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash
Beau Dick photo - Jenelle Schneider /Vancouver Sun
Gloria Joseph & Sox Sperry photo – Lisa Tsetse
Jim Koplin & grandmother photo - Dorathea Schlicht Koplin
Joan Cassidy & Tonita Lujan photo – Sox Sperry
Wendell Berry photo –
Malidoma Some photo -
Katsi Cook photo -
Sonya Atalay photo -
Tyson Yunkaporta photo – James Henry
People Pages
Proven Enduring & Proven Resilient header photo - Tyler Casey on Unsplash
Proven Free & Proven Resistant header photo - Steve Douglas on Unsplash
Individual Dialogue Codes header photo - Damon On Road on Unsplash
Using the Materials Pages
Inquiry-Driven Learning header photo - Leo_Visions on Adobe Stock Images
Do No Harm header photo - Filip Gielda on Unsplash
Glossary & Fair Use and Credits header photos - Jonny Gios on Unsplash
Four Arrows photo -
Paulo Freire photo - Escola de Gestão Socioeducativa Paulo Freire – RJ
Robin Wall Kimmerer photo -
Linda Hogan photo -
Take Action Page
Take Action header photo - Jonny Gios on Unsplash
Kogi village – Sebastien Goldberg
I offer deep gratitude to these collaborators on Proven Sustainable for their invaluable assistance and to all those unnamed others who provided support along the path.
For website conception & design: Kelsey Greene
For detailed editing & constant support: Lisa Tsetse
For deep reading and comprehensive suggestions: Diana Levy, Ketu Oladuwa, Chris Sperry, Willie Sordillo, Hernando Estevez, John Beams, Antonio Lopez, Fred Small, Anastasia Shown, Nikki White, David Rhodes & Cindy Kramer
For solidarity and encouragement: Phil “Pompey” Fixico and Nichole McIntosh