Press, Projects, & Partners
Here’s what others are saying about our work…
Common Sense Education
Proven Sustainable™ is a free website that seeks to share the perspectives, experiences, and voices of Indigenous, Aboriginal, First Nations, and other resilient cultures that have managed to live sustainably for at least 500 years. It's designed to get students to ask questions about the hows and the whys of our history and our future. It's a perfect set of materials to use as you're building lessons or units, or looking for extension opportunities for students who want to expand their perspectives or tackle big social and cultural issues. Teachers should also take note that Proven Sustainable's materials feature a healthy focus on essential skills for media literacy, so they can offer alternatives to a lot of news and media literacy curricula that focus almost exclusively on U.S. and Western news media and popular culture.
The Tech Edvocate
“Proven Sustainable™ reminds us all that, despite the massive societal and environmental changes of the last 500 years, groups of people on each continent have fought to preserve their cultural traditions and a sustainable way of life. Proven Sustainable is one of the few curricular resources that gets educators and learners to examine the cultural attitudes and social and economic systems that have caused issues like climate change. But what makes it special is how it then looks for inspiration and possibility in the sustainable ways of life of Indigenous peoples.”
INTERFACE Magazine, Issue 121 November 2023
Latest news on digital education for school educators. Featured on page 25. “The website Proven Sustainble (provensustainable.org) shares the experiences and voices of indigenous peoples around the world. The site has learning materials from 16 groups of people. For each, there’s a slide deck with quotes, images, and supporting information about their cutural traditions and sustainable way of life.”
The following projects are led by Proven Sustainable™ and Proven Free People featured on this site. We support these worthy initiatives and encourage you to explore them further and donate if you are in accord!
MÚNEKAŇ MASHA: reviving water in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
This ground-breaking UNESCO Bridges Coalition project is a joint venture of the Kogi Mamas and non-indigenous scientists. They are working to share their knowledge-systems at a specially-chosen location in the north face of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia where the Mamas are working to revive damaged and desiccated ancestral land.
Friends have recommended the following organizations who are also striving to advocate for Proven Sustainable™ and Proven Free People. We support their worthy initiatives and encourage you to explore them further as well!
National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom
The Network to Freedom helps to advance the idea that all human beings embrace the right to self-determination and freedom from oppression. The program is a catalyst for innovation, partnerships, and scholarship that connects and shares the diverse legacy of the Underground Railroad across boundaries and generations.
Taking Nature Black, Audubon Naturalist Society
Explore ways in which the Black American faith community and environmental groups can connect to explore, conserve, protect and nurture the natural world during this FREE event sponsored by ANS and the U.S. Forest Service's Office of Urban and Community Forestry.