“They come back to their traditional country… A very strong part of (Noongar culture) is you know where your roots are. You come back.”

Glen Colbung (glen coal-bung)

president Aboriginal Legal Service

IMAGE SOURCE: “South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Annual Report 2011.” | TEXT SOURCE: South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council. ”Identity.” noongarculture.org.

IMAGE SOURCE: “South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Annual Report 2011.” | TEXT SOURCE: South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council. ”Identity.” noongarculture.org.

QUOTE CONTEXT: “The thing with my particular family is that we’ve never moved away from the Mount Barker, Albany region. We’ve always been there.”

QUOTE QUESTION: Where do you find your roots?

IMAGE CONTEXT: Thumbnail photo in South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Directors’ Profiles as chairman of the Noongar Land Council.

IMAGE QUESTION: How do you express your pride in your People?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from publications by a Noongar organization seeking to support land claims and to strengthen Noongar culture.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What processes do your People use when deciding to create new media channels to share your ongoing resilience?

SUPPORT THE NOONGAR: https://www.wirlomin.com.au/donate/


*Content on this page and affiliated slides may contain names, images and words of people who have passed away.


“You've got the sticks and that but we've got the stories and without the stories the sticks mean nothing.”


“In the spirit of our early Noongar resistance fighters we assert that we will not surrender our birthrights. We are not for sale.”