“In the spirit of our early Noongar resistance fighters we assert that we will not surrender our birthrights. We are not for sale.”

Naomi Smith (nay-oh-mee smith)

lead claimant Noongar Native Title case

IMAGE SOURCE: Robert Koenig-Luck in “WA Indigenous group's $290 billion compensation claim could become one of world's biggest payouts.”abc.net.au. 28 Nov. 2019. | TEXT SOURCE: “To: West Australian Premier Mark McGowan & Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ben Wyatt - Noongar Not For Sale.” Petition. Me.getup.org. 2019.

IMAGE SOURCE: Robert Koenig-Luck in “WA Indigenous group's $290 billion compensation claim could become one of world's biggest payouts.”abc.net.au. 28 Nov. 2019. | TEXT SOURCE: “To: West Australian Premier Mark McGowan & Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ben Wyatt - Noongar Not For Sale.” Petition. Me.getup.org. 2019.

QUOTE CONTEXT: “To us, land, water and Noongar people are one. Our connection to our ancestors and culture is powerful. It is thousands of generations old and intrinsically interwoven into our land and waters.”

QUOTE QUESTION: Who carries the spirit of your People’s early resistance fighters?

IMAGE CONTEXT: “Naomi Smith, a lead claimant, said her people had been struggling since European settlement when they lost access to their traditional land… ‘This is about our cultural and spiritual damage, as (well as) all the damage to our land.’”

IMAGE QUESTION: Where does fierce determination reside in you?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from an online petition. The photo is from a story published in a major national news site.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What media forms do you choose to petition for your People’s rights?

SUPPORT THE NOONGAR: https://www.wirlomin.com.au/donate/


*Content on this page and affiliated slides may contain names, images and words of people who have passed away.


“They come back to their traditional country… A very strong part of (Noongar culture) is you know where your roots are. You come back.”


“Our capacity to hunt, seek healing and communicate spiritually was dependent upon our practices of putting into and returning to our Country the spirit of our people.”