“Our stories about ourselves and our people are ultimately entwined with stories about our Country and where it is that we, and our spirit, are said to belong.”
Arthur Slater (ahr-therr slay-terr)
Chairperson, Ballardong Natural Resource Management Working Group
IMAGE SOURCE: Vince Holt. “Boyagin (Boogin) Rock Meeting 17 October 2014 - The Beginning of Something Special.” Blog post. boyaginrock2013.blogspot.com. 18 Oct. 2014. | TEXT SOURCE: Noongar Ballardong NRM Working Group. “Ballardong Noongar Budjar ‘Healthy Country – Healthy People.” 2006.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “For Noongar people, our past is what defines us. Our identity is determined by where we come from, who we know and where we fit.”
QUOTE QUESTION: Where are you and your People said to belong?
IMAGE CONTEXT: At a meeting of members of the Working Committee and Traditional Land Owners for Boyagin Rock sacred site to tell the stories about the significance of the area to the Noongar Peoples.
IMAGE QUESTION: What colors do you wear to signify your presence on your People’s land?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a report by Noongar People to a government task force. The photo is from a blog post by a friend of the Noongar people.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What organizations do you trust to carry the words of your People in their media channels?
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*Content on this page and affiliated slides may contain names, images and words of people who have passed away.