“If you wanted to know anything (and) mother and father had no time to tell you… the Elders of our tribe used to have to tell you.”
Kayang Hazel Brown (keye-yahng hay-zull brown), storyteller
“Our capacity to hunt, seek healing and communicate spiritually was dependent upon our practices of putting into and returning to our Country the spirit of our people.”
Cliff Humphries (klif hum-freez), language custodian
“Our stories about ourselves and our people are ultimately entwined with stories about our Country and where it is that we, and our spirit, are said to belong.”
Arthur Slater (ahr-therr slay-terr), Chairperson, Ballardong Natural Resource Management Working Group
“Our ethos is rooted in stewardship. We don't own the land, we belong to it.”
Dale Tilbrook (dayl till-brook), native food specialist & educator