“If you wanted to know anything (and) mother and father had no time to tell you… the Elders of our tribe used to have to tell you.”

Kayang Hazel Brown (keye-yahng hay-zull brown)


IMAGE SOURCE: South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council. ”Identity.” noongarculture.org. | TEXT SOURCE: South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council. ”Connection to Country.” noongarculture.org

IMAGE SOURCE: South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council. ”Identity.” noongarculture.org. | TEXT SOURCE: South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council. ”Connection to Country.” noongarculture.org

QUOTE CONTEXT: “For Noongar people there is a duty to pass on kaartdijin (knowledge) and the connection to country to the next generation.” Kayang Hazel Brown passed on her knowledge in the book, “Kayang and Me,” co-authored with her nephew, Kim Scott.

QUOTE QUESTION: Who are the elders who have helped you to know what you need to know?

IMAGE CONTEXT: “We mostly lived in bag camps – you know, like tents made of old hessian bags and canvas and that – and we slept on rushes or bushes for our beds. We ate the bush food of our people too”.

IMAGE QUESTION: What elder trees surround and protect you and your People?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from publications by a Noongar organization seeking to support land claims and to strengthen Noongar culture.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What organizations have been created by your People to share stories of your People’s continued endurance and resilience?

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*Content on this page and affiliated slides may contain names, images and words of people who have passed away.


The Origins of Proven Sustainable


“My family, my tribe, my race, my nation – let this be my vision of the future. My extended family, all creeds, all races, all nations - let this be my new world.”