Gullah Geechee
(guh-lah gee-chee)
Atlantic low country
Proven Free
The Gullah Geechee people are descendants of Africans who were enslaved on the rice, indigo and Sea Island cotton plantations of the lower Atlantic coast. Many came from the rice-growing region of West Africa. The nature of their enslavement on isolated island and coastal plantations created a unique culture with deep African retentions that are clearly visible in the Gullah Geechee people’s distinctive arts, crafts, foodways, music, and language. Gullah Geechee is a unique, creole language (which) began as a simplified form of communication among people who spoke many different languages including European slave traders, slave owners and diverse, African ethnic groups…It is the only distinctly, African creole language in the United States and it has influenced traditional Southern vocabulary and speech patterns.
*Source: https://gullahgeecheecorridor.org/thegullahgeechee/
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
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Proven Resistant
After the Civil War ended in 1865 a hostile society led Gullah Geechee communities to remain unto themselves for almost another century. Customs, traditions and beliefs continued to develop, often in opposition to segregation and oppression from the dominant society. Then rapid social changes after World War 2 led to encroachment from the dominant society. Gullah Geechee families and communities maintained insular patterns of values and social organization. Contact, interaction, conflict as well as cooperation between different racial and ethnic groups created awareness and change. However efforts of outsiders to penetrate, analyze and co-opt the culture were often met by renewed determination of Gullah Geechee people to remain private and maintain their culture in besieged communities.
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive as free people opposing white supremacy?
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Additional Resources
Download the entire Gullah Geechee slide deck for educational purposes