“With Gullah Geechee people we created and preserved our language under the threat of death for being literate.”
Sunn m'Cheaux (sun mih-show)
Gullah language teacher
IMAGE SOURCE: “Sunn m’Cheaux Bio.” GullahTeacha.com. | TEXT SOURCE: Victoria Hansen. “Protecting Gullah Culture.” Blog post. South Carolina Public Radio. 27 Sep. 2019.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “Enslaved people from all parts of Africa needed a way to communicate quickly, with few words and over the heads of overseers. They combined Creole and English with words flowing together in a kind of rhythm that made it difficult for anyone else to understand. Secrecy was essential.”
QUOTE QUESTION: Who have been the caretakers of your mother tongue?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “Sunn m’Cheaux is the first and only Gullah language instructor at Harvard University.”
IMAGE QUESTION: How might you choose to express your full abundant self in a portrait?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a blog post. The photo is from Sunn m’Cheaux’s personal website.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What do you need to consider when you use social media to tell your story?
LEARN ABOUT THE GULLAH/GEECHEE: https://gullahgeecheecorridor.org/about/