“With Gullah Geechee people we created and preserved our language under the threat of death for being literate.”

Sunn m'Cheaux (sun mih-show)

Gullah language teacher

IMAGE SOURCE: “Sunn m’Cheaux Bio.” GullahTeacha.com. | TEXT SOURCE: Victoria Hansen. “Protecting Gullah Culture.” Blog post. South Carolina Public Radio. 27 Sep. 2019.

IMAGE SOURCE: “Sunn m’Cheaux Bio.” GullahTeacha.com. | TEXT SOURCE: Victoria Hansen. “Protecting Gullah Culture.” Blog post. South Carolina Public Radio. 27 Sep. 2019.

QUOTE CONTEXT: “Enslaved people from all parts of Africa needed a way to communicate quickly, with few words and over the heads of overseers. They combined Creole and English with words flowing together in a kind of rhythm that made it difficult for anyone else to understand. Secrecy was essential.”

QUOTE QUESTION: Who have been the caretakers of your mother tongue?

IMAGE CONTEXT: “Sunn m’Cheaux is the first and only Gullah language instructor at Harvard University.”

IMAGE QUESTION: How might you choose to express your full abundant self in a portrait?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a blog post. The photo is from Sunn m’Cheaux’s personal website.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What do you need to consider when you use social media to tell your story?

LEARN ABOUT THE GULLAH/GEECHEE: https://gullahgeecheecorridor.org/about/



“The Gullah…had existed without the need for cash. Everything the Gullah people needed was done by them, among them, and you might say in coordination with the entire community.”


“Let us remember we descend from folks who…manifested freedom when everything else said otherwise.”