“Mine is a living culture, not one of some 200 years ago. It's a culture that continues to shape our surroundings.”
Ron Daise (ron dayz)
singer, culture preservationist
IMAGE SOURCE: “2019 Governor’s Award Winner: Ron Daise.” South Carolina Humanities Council. | TEXT SOURCE: “Gullah Geechee -- the me I tried to flee.” YouTube. Ron Daise at TEDxCharleston. 15 May 2014.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “I’m Gullah Geechee and I’m proud to acknowledge it but that was not always the case. Gullah Geechee culture exists all around you as you walk about dying and sightsee about Chaston (Charleston).”
QUOTE QUESTION: How does your ancestral culture continue to shape your surroundings?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “Ron Daise, a native of St. Helena Island, SC, is an author, performing artist, and educator who has shared stories, music, and lectures about history, culture, and faith across the country.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What colors do you choose to express yourself?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a TED Talk. The photo is from an award citation webpage.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How do you balance pride in culture and self-pride when you present on a big media stage?
LEARN ABOUT THE GULLAH/GEECHEE: https://gullahgeecheecorridor.org/about/