“This is a creole culture and what it takes is a great ability to adapt and a willingness to do so, and still hold on.”
Natalie Daise (nah-tah-lee dayz)
story-teller, artist
IMAGE SOURCE: Michiel Perry. “Natalie Daise: From Gullah Gullah Island to Gullah Art Tastemaker.” Blog post. Black Southern Belle. Apr. 2019. | TEXT SOURCE: Melissa Hargrove. “Marketing Gullah: Identity, Cultural Politics and Tourism.” Masters Thesis. University of Tennessee Knoxville. 2000.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “That is something that is hard to articulate, particularly within the tourism industry, because people love ‘sound bites,’ people love something they can capture and that matches a picture that they carry in their minds.”
QUOTE QUESTION: In what ways have your People had to adapt in order to hold on?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “I love blue paint. And collard greens. And brown skin. And the beauty and sacredness of our spirit that shines through our eyes.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What tastes, colors and textures bring out your sacred spirit?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a Master’s thesis. The photo is from a blog post.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of choosing to share your story through academic papers vs. social media channels?
LEARN ABOUT THE GULLAH/GEECHEE: https://gullahgeecheecorridor.org/about/