“This is a creole culture and what it takes is a great ability to adapt and a willingness to do so, and still hold on.”

Natalie Daise (nah-tah-lee dayz)

story-teller, artist

IMAGE SOURCE: Michiel Perry. “Natalie Daise: From Gullah Gullah Island to Gullah Art Tastemaker.” Blog post. Black Southern Belle. Apr. 2019. | TEXT SOURCE: Melissa Hargrove. “Marketing Gullah: Identity, Cultural Politics and Tourism.” Masters Thesi…

IMAGE SOURCE: Michiel Perry. “Natalie Daise: From Gullah Gullah Island to Gullah Art Tastemaker.” Blog post. Black Southern Belle. Apr. 2019. | TEXT SOURCE: Melissa Hargrove. “Marketing Gullah: Identity, Cultural Politics and Tourism.” Masters Thesis. University of Tennessee Knoxville. 2000.

QUOTE CONTEXT: “That is something that is hard to articulate, particularly within the tourism industry, because people love ‘sound bites,’ people love something they can capture and that matches a picture that they carry in their minds.”

QUOTE QUESTION: In what ways have your People had to adapt in order to hold on?

IMAGE CONTEXT: “I love blue paint. And collard greens. And brown skin. And the beauty and sacredness of our spirit that shines through our eyes.”

IMAGE QUESTION: What tastes, colors and textures bring out your sacred spirit?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a Master’s thesis. The photo is from a blog post.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of choosing to share your story through academic papers vs. social media channels?

LEARN ABOUT THE GULLAH/GEECHEE: https://gullahgeecheecorridor.org/about/



“For more than 200 years we kept our double African and Indian heritage alive. Our language and our way of life, our songs and dancing… all remind us of our distinctive roots.”


“If you can’t hold onto the land, you can’t hold onto the culture.”