Proven Enduring
As indigenous people of Hokkaido, we called ourselves the Ainu. " 'Ainu' means 'human'." Our ancestors made their livings skillfully hunting wild animals in deep forests, catching fish in swift streams, and gathering what the lands provided. The Ainu cultivated epic sagas to convey history, legends, and ways of life through oral tradition, and created a rich traditional culture including imaginative music, song, and dance, while establishing profound beliefs which extended throughout the entire spiritual world. Our ancestors believed that much of the natural world is a manifestation of the kamuy (gods or spirits), and that these gods visit our world, taking on various forms. Respect and gratitude are the essence of Ainu spiritual beliefs.
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
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Proven Resilient
In the latter half of the nineteenth century, the land of the Ainu people was unilaterally appropriated by the government of Japan under the auspices of a large-scale colonization and development project…Under this doctrine of assimilation, the Ainu language was banned, our traditional culture was denied, our economic livelihood was destroyed, and the Ainu people became the object of oppression, exploitation and severe discrimination. We were unable to continue our traditional way of life in our ancestral lands, as fishing became "poaching" and cutting wood in the hills was branded as "theft."… We have been petitioning the government since 1988 for legislation that would provide some minimum guarantees of our rights and dignity as a people. What we are after is a high level of autonomy based on our fundamental values of "coexistence with nature" and "peace through negotiation."
*Source: Giichi Nomura’s speech to the United Nations in 1992 as a representative of the Ainu at the Opening Ceremony of the International Year of the World's Indigenous People. https://www.ainu-assn.or.jp/english/inaugu.html
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive in the contemporary world?
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Additional Resources
Download the entire Ainu slide deck for educational purposes