“There are things more important than making money - generosity, kindly feelings toward the weak, broad-mindedness, caring for earth.”
Shiro Kayano (shee-roh keye-ah-noh)
language keeper
IMAGE SOURCE: “Ainu Keynote Speakers: Shiro Kayano.” Blog post. Cemipos.org. 23 Jun. 2017. | TEXT SOURCE: Art Davidson. “Endangered Peoples.” Sierra Club Books. 1994.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “We have seen the Japanese take as much as they can (from nature). What happens later, they don’t care. They care only about how much money they make…We have much to offer the Japanese.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What values do your People hold as most important?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “Mr. Shiro Kayano is the son of the late Dr. Shigeru Kayano who symbolises linguistic and cultural revitalisation of the Ainu. Shiro has succeeded to his father’s will to pass on their language and culture to future generations.”
IMAGE QUESTION: Where do you stand to uphold the language of your People?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a book about Indigenous Peoples. The photo is from a blog post.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: Which media forms best serve the needs of your People?
LEARN ABOUT THE AINU: https://www.ainu-assn.or.jp/english/ainupeople.html