“All things sent from the heavens always have a role to play.”
Hideo Akibe (hee-day-yoh ah-kee-bay)
director Ainu Industrial Arts Association
IMAGE SOURCE: “The Ainu People.” Blog post. nataliayukimiku.blogspot.com. 14 Jul. 2017. | TEXT SOURCE: ”Modern Thoughts of the Ainu People.” Akan Ainu Cultural Heritage. Akanko Hot Springs Ainu Cultural Promotion Executive Committee. 2013.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “Biodiversity for the Ainu people – who use and utilize natural resources fully – is recognizing the circumstances of wildlife and plant life and being thankful for their substance, while also being reasonable and sustainable.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What role do you have to play as a messenger from the heavens?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “Japanese nationalism was harmful to the Ainu culture. The government prohibited the Ainu from speaking their language, wearing their tattoos, practicing their customs, their traditional clothing and their subsistence methods: hunting and fishing.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What clothing most honors the traditions of your People?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a brochure from a tourist business. The photo is from a personal blog post.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How do you decide which organizations and individuals should represent your People in media publications?
LEARN ABOUT THE AINU: https://www.ainu-assn.or.jp/english/ainupeople.html