“We demand that…peoples recognize reciprocally the freedom of each ethnic group to use its own language and acknowledge the fact that there exist different ethnic cultures.”
Giichi Nomura (geye-chee no-moor-ah)
human rights activist
IMAGE SOURCE: Chisato Dubreuil. “The Ainu and Their Culture: A Critical Twenty-First Century Assessment.” Asia-Pacific Journal. 3 Nov. 2007. | TEXT SOURCE: “The Right to Effective Participation and the Ainu People.” International Journal on Minority and Group Rights , 2004.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “The core of his vision is a world where the Ainu people can, as a distinct ethnic group, live together with the majority ethnic group, wajin, on an equal footing.”
QUOTE QUESTION: Who do you trust to deliver the demands of your People?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “Positive movement (for Ainu recognition) did not really begin until Giichi Nomura, the former Executive Director of Utari Kyokai, spoke to the United Nations General Assembly in December 1992 during the Decade of Indigenous Peoples.”
IMAGE QUESTION: Who stands up on the global stage for your People?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from academic journals focused on international issues.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How do you decide which academic media channels are best to support awareness and support for your People?
LEARN ABOUT THE AINU: https://www.ainu-assn.or.jp/english/ainupeople.html