Lake Ontario watershed
Proven Enduring
“The Haudenosaunee (a name translated as the “People of the Long House”) is an alliance of native nations united for the past several hundred years by complementary traditions, beliefs and cultural values. Sometimes referred to as the Iroquois Confederacy or Six Nations, the Haudenosaunee originally consisted of the Mohawk, Oneda, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca nations. The Tuscarora migrated from the south and peacefully joined the Confederacy in the early 1700’s, bringing to six the number of nations united by Haudenosaunee traditional law.”
*Taken directly from the Onondaga Nation website
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Proven Resilient
“1613: Two Row Wampum – a treaty between the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch establishing relations.
1779: General George Washington orders the total destruction of the Haudenosaunee. In April of 1779, General Goose Van Schaick attacks men, women, and children and burns more than 8 miles of Onondaga villages and crops.
1790-1822: New York State continues to purchase land from the Onondaga without following the rules and regulations set forth by President Washington and the Federal government.
2010: Federal judge dismisses Onondaga Land Rights case as it is too ‘disruptive’ to American people.
2014: Onondaga Nation files suit against United States in World Court for actions taken against the Haudenosaunee.”
*Taken directly from the Onondaga Nation website
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive in the contemporary world?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Additional Resources
Download the entire Haudenosaunee slide deck for educational purposes