“We are a people who sat under a tree for a long time…talking about the importance of community.”
Oren Lyons (aw-ren lie-unz)
Onondaga faithkeeper
QUOTE CONTEXT: “We are people who sat under a tree for a long time, talking about things, talked about society, talk about the importance of community, talk about law, talk about rules. Indian country, this Onondaga, has got a lot of rules here. Mohawks have a lot of rules. How do you live there? How do you live? None of it written.”
QUOTE QUESTION: When and where do you talk about the importance of community?
IMAGE CONTEXT: From a short film in which Haudenosaunee elders tell their story to uphold the traditions and to care for the Earth.
IMAGE QUESTION: Where would you sit and what clothes would you wear if you were invited to share the wisdom of your community?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from video documentaries.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: Who makes videos of your people’s traditions and for what purposes?
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