“Every human being comes from an indigenous people.”
Tom Porter (tahm pour-terr)
founder of the Mohawk community of Kanatsiohareke (gah-nah-jo-ha-lay-gay)
IMAGE SOURCE: Artie K. Martin. “Mohawk Nation at Kahnawake set to host Kaianere’kó:wa (Great Law of Peace) recital.” First Nations TV. 12 Nov. 2018. | QUOTE SOURCE: “Nature to Nations.” Native America. PBS. 2018.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “Water and air and all the natural things that make the world that we live is held sacred by all indigenous people, and every human being comes from an indigenous people.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What indigenous people do you come from?
IMAGE CONTEXT: Tom Porter is front and center holding the lacrosse stick basket during the recitation of the Great Law of Peace at Akwesasne in 2015.
IMAGE QUESTION: Who would you invite to sit together at a gathering of your indigenous people?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a public television series. The photo is from the website of First Nations TV.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How can television and video production help to support the survival of your people?
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