“Each individual has tremendous power to change his world. We are a microcosm of the universe itself so how we behave, how we take care of ourselves reflects in the earth.”
Ronald Wadsworth (rah-nold wahdz-werth), silversmith
“Each student is corn. We need to remember our roots. We need to remember…the things that give us nourishment & love, things that help us to grow.”
Daniell Albert (dan-yell ahl-burt), interdisciplinary graduate, dancer
“Our traditional ways will always be there and it's what helps us carry our people through year to year. I don't see it ever stopping”
Tim Nuvangyaoma (tim new-vahn-yah-mah), chair Hopi tribe
“What do I need to do to be a good ancestor for those next generations to come?”
Cynthia Naha (sin-thee-yah nah-hah), climate activist
“There's this term in Hopi where your hearts become one and when this happens in a ceremony, that's when us people have that strength…that's when the spirits know and they bring us the rain.”
Beatrice Norton (bee-ah-triss nor-tun), chair Hopi Foundation Board of Directors
“We today live under one life philosophy which is principled upon compassion, reciprocity, stewardship and really about humility.”
Leigh Kuwanwisima (lee koo-wahn-we-see-mah), culture preservationist
“In a matrilineal society on Hopi, we are expected to fulfill certain roles in the village to ensure the land is cared for.”
Maree Mahkewa (mah-ree mah-kew-ah), youth ambassador for land conservation
“The land actually owns us when you think about it. We don’t own land. We don’t own water. It owns us. Because without it, we can’t survive.”
Howard Dennis (how-ward den-niss), silversmith, flute chief of Mishognonvi