“The land actually owns us when you think about it. We don’t own land. We don’t own water. It owns us. Because without it, we can’t survive.”
Howard Dennis (how-ward den-niss)
silversmith, flute chief of Mishognonvi
IMAGE SOURCE: David Wallace. “'Everything depends on the corn': As crops wither, the Hopi fear for their way of life.” Arizona Republic. 30 Nov. 2020. | TEXT SOURCE: Ian James. “'Everything depends on the corn': As crops wither, the Hopi fear for their way of life.” Arizona Republic. 30 Nov. 2020.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “Dennis, who is a religious leader in his village, said it’s important to recognize that traditional farming doesn’t involve ownership of these lands…Dennis said each corn plant can produce quite a lot for a family, and “as long as we eat, we’re happy.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What lands and waters do you belong to?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “Howard Dennis tends corn on a field below Second Mesa on the Hopi Reservation on Sept. 11, 2020 .”
IMAGE QUESTION: What grows up alongside you?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from a large regional newspaper.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How do you decide whether and how to share your Peoples’ stories with the mainstream press?
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