“We are a people who resist fascism in all its forms; whose creative spirit is born from a multitude of voices, not just one; who were once in need of shelter so now offer it to others.”
Julian Zabalbeascoa (joo-lee-yan sah-bahl-bay-ahz-koh-ah), teacher, novelist
“The mere fact of our speaking Basque in public was an act of defiance…As children, it was instilled in us that we were the keepers of Euskara, and that to keep it, to protect it, was to speak it.”
Amaia Gabantxo (ah-my-yah gah-bahn-choh), writer, a flamenco singer, translator
“Maybe Basque language will not be saved with a state, but without a state for sure it will be lost.”
José Luis Alvarez Enparantza (hoe-say loo-ees ahl-vah-ress en-pahr-ahnt-zah), linguist, politician, writer
“With strength materialized in this place, with passion and heartbeats of joy, let us continue building this country from and with the Basque language.”
Maialen Lujanbio (my-ell-len loo-hahn-bee-yoh), oral poet