“With strength materialized in this place, with passion and heartbeats of joy, let us continue building this country from and with the Basque language.”
Maialen Lujanbio (my-ell-len loo-hahn-bee-yoh)
oral poet
IMAGE SOURCE: Aitor Delgado. “Bertsolari - Music, Poetry, Culture... another way of art in the Basque Country.” Blog post. aitordelgado.net. Nov. 2011. | TEXT SOURCE: Alison Welford. “Breaking the Circle: Women Writing in Endangered Languages.” Blog post. World Literature Today. 17 Oct. 2020.
QUOTE CONTEXT: From 2009 world bertso champion Maialen Lujanbio’s winning performance. “The bertsolaris stand shoulder to shoulder onstage in front of the microphone. The audience is still. No music accompanies the performance, and each bertsolari waits their turn to sing.”
QUOTE QUESTION: In what ways does your language help to build your Peoples’ country?
IMAGE CONTEXT: ”Professional bertsolaris can be found in festivities singing their improvised verses.
The topic of the verse is given just a moment before starting its verse and bertsolaris have to prepare immediately a verse with a given proportion and musicality.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What causes you to stand with conviction at the mike?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from blog posts.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What helps you to decide when and if to make your own blog?
LEARN ABOUT THE BASQUES: https://www.eke.eus/en/basque-cultural-institute/about-us