Black Seminoles
Texas hill country
Proven Free
Our people have lived in Texas for over 100 years. Before that, we were in Mexico, where some of us still live, and before that we were in Oklahoma, and even earlier than that, Florida. And before that, we came from Africa. As far as we've come, in all our travels, we have never lost an awareness of our identity and a pride in our freedom…
In the 17th century our ancestors fought against slavery and escaped into the northern bushlands of Spanish Florida. There we joined with our Indian brothers and sisters who had also escaped from the oppression of the European slavers. Together, for many years, we resisted their attempts to recapture us. Together we rode against the white man to preserve our freedom. And together we created a Seminole society from both Indian and African roots.
*Source: https://folklife.si.edu/resources/maroon/educational_guide/66.htm
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Proven Resistant
For more than 200 years we kept our double African and Indian heritage alive. Our language and our way of life, our songs and dancing, our philosophy and our cooking all remind us of our distinctive roots. Only since the end of the Second World War have we really begun to lose those old ways…Today there are few of us left who know our history and speak our language…Some of the young people leave our small community and return to Brackettville only to visit. But perhaps this recognition of who we are and what we have done may stir in their hearts a sense of pride and may move them to learn from us while they can, and they may yet pass on our story to their own children.
*Source: https://folklife.si.edu/resources/maroon/educational_guide/66.htm
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive as free people opposing white supremacy?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Additional Resources
Download the entire Black Seminoles slide deck for educational purposes