“We all have fought the same fight. We all have shed the same blood to be called Seminoles.”

LeEtta Osborne-Sampson (lee-eh-tah ahz-born samp-sun)

Seminole Freedmen Chief of the Caesar Bruner Band

IMAGE SOURCE: September Dawn Bottoms. “A Native American Tribe In Oklahoma Denied Black Citizens COVID-19 Vaccines And Financial Relief.” BuzzFeed News. 16 Mar. 2021. | TEXT SOURCE: Jessica Bruno. “Seminole citizen descendants of slaves say they were denied COVID-19 vaccine at Oklahoma Indian Health Services clinic.” KFOR News. 18 Mar. 2021.

QUOTE CONTEXT: She was denied when she tried to get a COVID-19 shot last month at the Indian Health Services clinic in Wewoka using her tribal ID. “It says 0/0 Indian blood but it says Freedman. They told me that they do not recognize their citizens there.”

QUOTE QUESTION: Who are the relations who fight with you to be recognized?

IMAGE CONTEXT: LeEtta Osborne-Sampson stands in front of the courthouse in Wewoka, Oklahoma next to a sign that says “Seminole Nation Whipping Tree.”

IMAGE QUESTION: Where do you choose to stand to mark your place in the fight for freedom?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a public radio broadcast. The photo is from the website of a global news organization.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What are the benefits and drawbacks of sharing your struggles with national and global news organizations?

LEARN ABOUT THE BLACK SEMINOLES: https://folklife.si.edu/resources/maroon/educational_guide/66.htm



“Blow the dust from your ears so you may hear and understand all that is being said to you and be able to recognize the truth.”


Nichole McIntosh