“The old people…would cook a little something and make sure that the neighbor or one of their cousins or somebody had some too.”
William Warrior (will-yum war-ree-yore)
President Seminole Negro Indian Scouts
IMAGE SOURCE: University of Florida African American History Project. “William "Dub" Warrior of Del Rio, Texas.” 24 Jun. 2012. 9:06PM. Tweet. | TEXT SOURCE: Interview with Paul Ortiz. Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. University of Florida. 21 June 2012.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “They would take little dishes. ‘Hey, I fixed this.’ I think like they was having a contest in cooking cuisine and see who cooked the best.”
QUOTE QUESTION: Who always makes sure that everyone has a taste?
IMAGE CONTEXT: From a site highlighting “narrative histories on the Civil Rights Movement throughout Florida archived at the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What clothing and jewelry do you choose to wear to honor your ancestors?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from an interview for on oral history program devoted to collecting African American histories. The image is from a social media post by the same organization.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What media archive preserves your People’s memories?
LEARN ABOUT THE BLACK SEMINOLES: https://folklife.si.edu/resources/maroon/educational_guide/66.htm