New Zealand
Proven Enduring
The story of the settling of Aotearoa (New Zealand) is about their incredible deeds in navigating and exploring the vast Pacific region before their arrival…It is about the ways that thriving communities were established on the various islands en route to Aotearoa. It is a narrative of settlement, resettlement, and iwi (tribe) relationships.
The narrative demonstrates the ways various leaders in Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) purposefully negotiated with the first wave of European settlers in the late eighteenth century both here in Aotearoa and through diplomatic trips further afield to places like Australia and Britain. Our tupuna (ancestors) both adapted to and vehemently resisted colonisation and its consequent impacts on iwi, challenging the unjust dispossession of Te Tai Tokerau land, traditions, and language.
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
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Proven Resilient
The numerous iwi (tribes) and hapū (subtribes) of Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) have a long whakapapa (genealogy) of influential leaders that have made a significant impact on the Māori world and beyond. However, ruinous media narratives that focus without relent on poverty, low employment, inadequate housing, and lagging educational outcomes—particularly among Māori—continue to negatively impact the ways students from this region define their identity…
It is important that Māori students learn about the story of how Te Tai Tokerau adapted, took advantage of opportunities, and thrived in the face of change.
Prior to 1840, the hapū (subtribes) of Te Tai Tokerau were integral players in the Pacific region’s economy. Their approach then, as now, was driven by a culturally distinct worldview and a hunger for economic development and hapū and iwi enterprise. Tai Tokerau’s pursuit of knowledge and self-determination was purposed by an obligation to maintain the intergenerational wellbeing of people whilst upholding the capacity of collective tribal advancement. The degree to which these values inspire iwi endeavours has not diminished. Indeed, adherence to these values has enabled the cultural distinctiveness of Te Tai Tokerau to endure.
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive in the contemporary world?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Additional Resources
Download the entire Māori slide deck for educational purposes