“What’s good for Indigenous culture and intelligence is good for the entire world.”
Hori Ahomiro (haw-ree ah-hoh-mee-roh)
social worker & Indigenous Studies master
IMAGE SOURCE: Aaron Leaman. “Young mum’s organs help four people.” The Press New Zealand. 29 Dec. 2017. | TEXT SOURCE: “Better social work for Māori: a personal Matariki reflection.” Press Release. Aotearoa NZ Association of Social Workers. 25 Jun. 2019.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “I believe as a (social work) profession we must increase our efforts to engage with and make use of all indigenous forms of cultural practice and competence that naturally strengthens and enriches human relations worldwide.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What helps us to know what is good for Indigenous intelligence?
IMAGE CONTEXT: The Ahomiro family honors their beloved late daughter and mother, Ngawari Charlene Ahomiro, who died of a brian aneurysm. Hori Ahomro is on the far right with his wife, Lovey, and two grandchildren, Te Mahi Luke Ahomiro & Te Rehutaimoana Ahomiro-Stewart.
IMAGE QUESTION: Who do you sit next to in times of condolence?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from a local press article.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What local media helps carry news of your family to your People?
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