Central Pacific Ocean
Proven Enduring
“The roots of Hawaiian culture stretch south to older areas of Polynesia and beyond to the islands of the Western Pacific and the edges of Asia. The first settlers to Hawai`i brought with them the more ancient Polynesian traditions and lifestyles. As a distinct Hawaiian culture took shape, it grew in response to Oahu's forests and coral reefs, Molokai's shallow offshore waters, Kauai's steep valleys, Maui's high summit and Hawai`i Island's ever-changing volcanic lands. A highly structured and sophisticated culture blossomed in the Islands' benign climate and lush abundance. Over time, Hawaiian society grew as distinct as Hawaii's endemic plant and animal communities, left for eons to evolve in isolation.”
*Taken directly from the former website hawaiihistory.org
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
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Proven Resilient
“The arrival of explorers and later missionaries began a catastrophic chain of events that nearly destroyed the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawai’ian) culture. Foreign exploitation challenged their traditional customs, beliefs, and practices, and led to the dislocation of the people from the land that had sustained their ancestors from the time of origin. Despite foreign subjugation of the original culture, the surviving Kanaka Maoli adapted well and excelled as a people and a nation. In 1893 the internationally recognized independent Kingdom of Hawai`i was illegally overthrown with American support, and the sovereignty of the people was stolen. These historic facts are now considered acts of war and genocide.”
*Taken directly from the Hawaii Nation website
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive in the contemporary world?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Additional Resources
Download the entire Hawai’ian slide deck for educational purposes