“Sovereignty will happen. Self-governance will happen. We don't know how it will happen but it's inevitable with all indigenous peoples the world over.”
Winona Beamer (win-no-nah bee-mer)
advocate and teacher
IMAGE SOURCE: Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Aug 1987. Reprinted in “Death calls Hawaiian music titan: Aunty Nona’s mele echoes on.” Star Bulletin. 11 Apr. 2008.” | TEXT SOURCE: MJ Harden. Voices of Wisdom: Hawaiian Elders Speak. Aka Press. 1999.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “That’s all they want - to be allowed to be themselves. Sovereignty: to have the Hawaiianness back in Hawai’i.”
QUOTE QUESTION: Who is leading the struggle for sovereignty where you live?
IMAGE CONTEXT: Nona Beamer acts out a story from Hawaiian culture for preschool children at Church of the Crossroads in Moiliili.
IMAGE QUESTION: How do elders teach the next generations in your tradition?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a book of Hawaiian elders’ wisdom. The photo is from a newspaper archive.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What are the forms of media you use to affirm the wisdom of your elders?
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