“In the old times the people of the tundra used stars for everything… There was no light, so they navigated using stars.”
Zoya Tokareva (zoy-ah toh-kah-ray-vah)
Nutendli community member
IMAGE SOURCE: Bryan & Cherry Alexander Photography. Arcticphoto.com. | QUOTE SOURCE: Tero Mustonen. “Inuit and Chukchi Star Lore and Reflections.” Snowchange. Discussion Paper #13.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “In the old times people travelled with the dogs and reindeer. People travelled much. They have the skills to navigate at nighttime too.“
QUOTE QUESTION: How do you navigate when there is only darkness?
IMAGE CONTEXT: Lema, a Chukchi woman, rests on her sled during a break on a journey by dog team. Uelen, Chukotka, Siberia, Russia. 2004
IMAGE QUESTION: Who helps to pull you toward the light?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a discussion paper on a support group’s website. The photo is from an online photo gallery.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What are some websites where you would not want your people’s traditions represented and why?
LEARN ABOUT AND SUPPORT THE CHUKCHI: http://www.snowchange.org/