“I wouldn’t want to live in the village. I’m there for three days and I want to go home. Life is too fast and I soon get fed up.”
Marina Rultina (mah-ree-nah ruhl-tee-nah)
Chukchi reindeer herder
IMAGE SOURCE: Robin Paxton.“Reindeer herders battle alcohol on Russia's edge.” Reuters. 14 Aug. 2009. | QUOTE SOURCE: Robin Paxton.“Reindeer herders battle alcohol on Russia's edge.” Reuters. 14 Aug 2009.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “A wage from the government allows Marina Rultina, 25, to stay on the tundra. She treats reindeer skins in her yaranga, a traditional Chukchi tent, while her male relatives guide reindeer to new pastures.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What would enable you to return to your traditional lands if you so wanted?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “A woman walks past a Yaranga, the Chukchis' traditional hide tent, near the village of Kanchalan in Chukotka.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What happens for you when you walk past a familiar homestead?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from an international wire service story.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How can you know if international media coverage a good thing or not for your people?
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