“My grandfather knew the soul of salmon.”
Vladimir Feodoroff (vlad-ee-meer fee-oh-door-off)
Skolt Sámi fisherman
IMAGE SOURCE: Photo by Chris McNeave. “Naatamo is a key to language, tradition, subsistence and culture .” Snowchange Cooperative. | QUOTE SOURCE: @ArchipelagoHope. “My grandfather knew the #soul of #salmon,” says #Skolt #Sami fishermen Vladimir Feodoroff. Twitter. 18 Dec. 2018. 6:15PM.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “(My grandfather) understood the entire watershed like the relationship between salmon and freshwater mussels.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What did your grandfathers know and pass along to you?
IMAGE CONTEXT: Vladimir Feodoroff has caught a grayling on river Näätämö. He is a local coordinator for River Näätämö restoration work.
IMAGE QUESTION: What other being do you know the soul of?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from the author of a book on climate change and traditional Sami wisdom. The photo is from a report by a cooperative that works with Indigenous communities of the North.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How can indigenous knowledge be shared in respectful ways on the Internet?
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