“The river cannot be separated from the families, and the families cannot be separated from the salmon.”
Pauliina Feodoroff (pow-leen-nah fee-oh-door-off)
President of the Skolt Sámi Nation Council
IMAGE SOURCE: “Pauliina Feodoroff, courageous beacon of hope (Finland).” Blog post. Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation. 9 May 2017. | QUOTE SOURCE: Ellis Quinn. “What a Saami-led project in Arctic Finland can teach us about Indigenous science.” Eye on the Arctic. 11 Feb. 2019.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “It was our people who first started to observe that the family of the salmon coming to the Näätämö river is changing. We mind about this since we have no elsewhere to go.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What in the natural world can your family not be separated from?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “She works on river and fishery restoration, developing ‘living maps’ of the Skolt Sámi space, defending Sami’s land rights and advancing the status of the Sámi LGBT community.”
IMAGE QUESTION: Where would you sit to demonstrate your ties to your earth place?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a blog post on a journalists’ collaborative website. The photo is from a blog post from an international human rights foundation.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What questions do you need to ask when organizations ask to post your words and images?
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