“The roots are where it starts… Sun, moon, land, animals are important… I am not the main thing here, the human.”

Ursula Länsman (oor-soo-lah lahnz-man)

Inari Sámi reindeer herder

IMAGE SOURCE: Sanna Liimatainen. Photo in “Angel’s girl Ursula Länsman returned home and made her father happy.” Kodin. 3 Nov. 2015. | QUOTE SOURCE: Ruokonen, I., & Eldridge, L. “Being Sami is my strength”: Contemporary Sami artists. Internation…

IMAGE SOURCE: Sanna Liimatainen. Photo in “Angel’s girl Ursula Länsman returned home and made her father happy.” Kodin. 3 Nov. 2015. | QUOTE SOURCE: Ruokonen, I., & Eldridge, L. “Being Sami is my strength”: Contemporary Sami artists. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 18(17). 28 Apr 2017.

QUOTE CONTEXT: This is the introductory quote for the report on a study to discover how three Sami artists present their culture in their arts and how their art grows from Sami traditions. 

QUOTE QUESTION: What roots help to lead you to the main thing?

IMAGE CONTEXT: “When Ursula gets on top of the ATV, her dog Cigu jumps in. If she were a man, she would now go with the other men on an ATV to drive a herd of reindeer to the separation site.”

IMAGE QUESTION: What other beings accompany you on your path?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from an academic journal. The photo is from a Finnish magazine.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: With whom do you consult when deciding whether to talk about your cultural traditions?

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“We live in a society where resistance takes place every day. It’s not anything new for us, and this railroad plan is not the first thing we must take a stand against.”


Life was fond of us. The sun in heaven’s space and the earth sought in its arms gifts. The reindeer roamed, the salmon climbed.”