“We live in a society where resistance takes place every day. It’s not anything new for us, and this railroad plan is not the first thing we must take a stand against.”
Petra-Biret Magga-Vars (peh-trah-beye-ret ma-gah-vahrs)
Sámi reindeer-herder
IMAGE SOURCE: Inger-Elle Suoninen. “Protesters in Finnish Sápmi draw red lines against railroad to Arctic Ocean.” Yles Sapmi. 10 Sept 2018. | QUOTE SOURCE: Inger-Elle Suoninen. “Protesters in Finnish Sápmi draw red lines against railroad to Arctic Ocean.” Yles Sapmi. 10 Sept 2018.
QUOTE CONTEXT: ”A group of people form a line on a bog south of the Finnish village Vuotso. They have come to show that they are against building a railroad through the area to the Arctic Ocean”
QUOTE QUESTION: What have your people had to take a stand against time after time?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “The red line was formed by people standing, in red clothes, in a line as if they were stopping something.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What are your colors when you’re standing up?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The text and photo are from Yle Sapmi, a radio station in the Sami language and for the Sami people.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What media channels have been created to broadcast the stories of your people?
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