“If we have education we can be able to get land and we can be able to defend the land too.”
Shani Msafiri Mangola (shah-nee m-sah-feer-ee mahn-go-lah)
law student, human rights activist
IMAGE SOURCE: Photo in “Help Shani, indigenous Hadza man, go to law school.” Blog post. GoFundMe. 30 May 2019. | TEXT SOURCE: “Alyssa Crittenden and Shani Msafiri Mangola on the Hadza and Organizing for Change.” YouTube. UNITE Passion Project. 23 Nov. 2020.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “Land is not the biggest threat. (Lack of) education is the biggest threat today because so many have no other way (than education) to survive.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What is required for your People to gain title to their homelands?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “I am part of my community. I am Hadzabe. I am a hunter-gatherer. I am a lawyer. I want to return to Tanzania after receiving my degree to help my people. To help them continue their traditional way of life in any way possible, and to assist the people who want to transition away from the bush life into the village life.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What images represent your ties to culture and to learning?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a YouTube video supporting scholarship for social action. The image is from a GoFundMe post in support of Shani Mangola’s legal education.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How do you use social media to support the future of your People?
SUPPORT THE HADZABE: https://www.olanakwe.org/