Phil "Pompey" Fixico

Founder/President of the Seminroon Historical Society.

Private-Sector-Partner for the National Underground Railroad/Network to Freedom.

Phil "Pompey" Fixico is an aspiring Seminole Maroon Descendant and Activist who learned about his native identity at the age of 52. He shares his journey and life’s mission in this lively interview facilitated by Ketu Oladuwa and Kelsey Greene.


Pompey’s Bio (in his own words):

“Racially I am an African-Native-American. Culturally, I'm an aspiring Seminole Maroon Descendant and Activist but to the People of America that see me on the street. I'm just another flavor of BLACK. Hopefully, this conversation will help to change that. I'm 74 years old born in Los Angeles, California in the Central Avenue "NEGRO" Community. My identity was stolen while I was still in my mother's stomach...she stole it...Bless her heart, she had her reasons as a married woman pregnant by a married man. So she bought a name for me from her husband who was in jail. This solved her problem but it left me with a lifelong identity crisis . I did finally discovered the truth, at 52 years of age. When I learned that I was a: Seminole Maroon Descendant, I then became became an Activist.”


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The Proven Sustainable Conversation Series is a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for Transformative Action, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Any funding directed towards the Conversation Series will go towards production efforts to ensure the the recorded discussions are diligently captured and meaningfully distributed. This Conversation Series and website are not-for-profit and created with the intent of channeling support directly to the Peoples represented.


Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows)


The Origins of Proven Sustainable