“This land is our land from the beginning. Through all the years we have lived here. We have buried our ancestors right here.”
Gonga Petro (gawn-gah peh-trow)
Chairman, Village of Mongo wa Mono
IMAGE SOURCE: Photo in Andrew Malone. “Last Stand of the Stone Age Man: The Hadzabe Tribe of Tanzania.” Daily Mail. 20 Jul 2007. | TEXT SOURCE: Gonga Petro, Gudo Mahiya and Simon Charles. “The Hadzabe Of Tanzania.” Testimony. Conference on Jndigenous Peoples from Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Arusha, Tanzania. 17th - 23rd January 1999.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “The Iraqis have their land. The Chagga too have their land…So, are we to be without land? Why does the Government agree to the taking away of our land?”
QUOTE QUESTION: Where are your ancestral lands?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “Draped in animal skins and carrying arrows tipped with poison, two slim, wiry characters walked slowly towards us in the clearing.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What part of your clothing comes from your land?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from testimony at an Indigenous Peoples’ conference. The image is from an article in a British newspaper.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: Who tells the story and who takes the images that represent the experiences of your People?
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