Proven Free
Vodou (voh-doo) is the hereditary spiritual tradition of African descendants in Haiti. Until scholars and practitioners began writing down songs in the mid-twentieth century, Vodou was transmitted orally from elders to Children and from priests to initiates. Vodou religion is founded on the adoration of Bondye (God), the lwa (spirits), the Marasa (the Divine Twins) and the dantan (ancestors)... As a living archive Vodou transmits detailed information about the past and connects historical experiences to present-day struggles. Vodou is a Haitian religion, philosophy, culture and way of life with origins in Dahomey in West Africa and the Kongo in Central Africa. At the center of contemporary Vodou is the ceremony which is the nexus of rituals, liturgy, songs, rhythms, animal sacrifice and possession performances.
*Source: https://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/00/86/14/00001/Binder1.pdf
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
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Proven Resistant
Vodou is still subject to extremely negative and stereotypical representations… Vodou practitioners have suffered through periods of persecution at the hands of the Catholic Church, often acting with support from the Haitian government, as well as the U.S. government during the 1915-1934 occupation of Haiti. In the tumultuous years of 1941-42, temples were raided, sacred objects burned, and holy trees cut down. At times Vodou priests and priestesses have been killed… A tradition of scholarly work stretches back to the early 20th century that has sought to counter reductionist and racist visions of the religion through ethnography, analysis of culture and music, and an exploration of the role of Vodou in Haiti’s founding revolution.
*Source: https://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/00/86/14/00001/Binder1.pdf
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive as free people opposing white supremacy?
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Additional Resources
Download the entire Vodouists slide deck for educational purposes