Kogi & Arhuaco
(koh-gee) & (ahr-oo-wah-koh)
Santa Marta mountains, Colombia
Proven Enduring
“The Sierra Indians call themselves ‘the older brothers’, and believe that they have a mystical wisdom and understanding which surpasses that of others. They refer to outsiders as ‘the younger brothers.’ The older brothers believe it is their responsibility to maintain the balance of the universe. When there are hurricanes, droughts, or famines around the world it is said that they are the cause of human failure to keep the world in harmony. Balance is achieved by making offerings to the sacred sites to give back to the earth what is taken out of it.”
*Source: https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/sierraindians
“The Younger Brother is doing too much damage. He must see, and understand, and assume responsibility. Now we will have to work together. Otherwise the world will die.”
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
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Proven Resilient
“After the Spanish landed the region attracted an uninterrupted series of Spanish plunderers who did nothing but sail there, attack, murder and rob the native people, stealing their gold and sailing back again… In the 1960s the country suffered from armed conflict between government forces, leftist guerrillas and right wing paramilitaries…
This increased pressure on the isolated Kogi and Arhuaco communities and led to the destruction and contamination of their lands. A final peace agreement was not signed until 2016, but it remains to be seen whether this is sufficient to hold back rapid development in an area of significant natural resources. The Kogi (and the Arhuaco) continue to claim back and cleanse their lands and warn Younger Brother about the damage we continue to inflict on the planet.”
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive in the contemporary world?
Explore questions for each quote below by clicking the image.
Additional Resources
Download the entire Kogi & Arhuaco slide deck for educational purposes