“We make drums the same way our ancestors did 200-300 years ago. We play the same rhythms, the same songs that record the history of our ancestors.”
Wallace Sterling (wahl-lass stir-ling)
Colonel Maroon Council
IMAGE SOURCE: Mike Gerrard. “Marooned In Jamaica.” The Travel Pages. 3 Nov. 2017. | TEXT SOURCE: Rosalind Cummings-Yeates. “Queen Nanny.” Griot Republic.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “Two drummers beat handmade goatskin drums. They danced with intricate steps, as the drummers chanted in Kromanti. Watching the dancers and how they responded to the music, it was clear that the Kromanti traditions that the group brought from Ghana were still alive.“
QUOTE QUESTION: What traditions do you carry on from your ancestors?
IMAGE CONTEXT: “A number of people still speak the old Kromanti language… The essence of communication is understanding, no matter what the language you use.”
IMAGE QUESTION: What do you sing and play to carry your ancestors forward?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote and photo are from travel blogs.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How do you decide whether and how to use tourist media outlets to support your People?
LEARN ABOUT THE JAMAICAN MAROONS: https://www.maroons-jamaica.com/home/