“It was not a romantic choice for us to return to the old ways... We want to feed ourselves. Hunting whales is what gives us pride. It is what reminds us of who we are.”
Vladimir Etylin (vlah-dee-meer eh-tih-lin)
Chukchi head of Chukotka Revival
IMAGE SOURCE: Bryan & Cherry Alexander Photography. Arcticphoto.com. | QUOTE SOURCE: David Holthouse.“Dying Breeds.” Phoenix New Times. 29 Mar. 2001.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “The native people of Chukotka have effectively returned to a traditional lifestyle based around marine mammal hunting. They have relearned many ancient skills, including how to build hunting boats from driftwood and skins.”
QUOTE QUESTION: What helps your people to remember who they are?
IMAGE CONTEXT: Vladimir Etylin, a Chukchi, driving a reindeer sled in the Oloy Valley. Chukotka, Siberia. Russia. 1994.
IMAGE QUESTION: What helps you to cross difficult terrain?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a foreign newspaper. The photo is from a professional photo studio.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How widely do you share media reports about your people’s efforts to thrive?
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