“Share the richness of the culture, of your community … concentrating your memory in that celebration.”

Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez (neel-dah kahl-lahn-ahl-pah ahl-varh-rez)

founder Traditional Textiles Center

IMAGE SOURCE: Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez. weavearealpeace.org | TEXT SOURCE: Wade Davis. “Light at the Edge of the World: Peru Sacred Geography.” Smithsonian Network. 2009.

IMAGE SOURCE: Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez. weavearealpeace.org | TEXT SOURCE: Wade Davis. “Light at the Edge of the World: Peru Sacred Geography.” Smithsonian Network. 2009.

QUOTE CONTEXT: Spoken about the annual pilgrimage of communities to the sacred Quyllurit'I festival in the high Sinakara mountain valley: ”When you go to the snow it's a totally different feeling, your reflection about how much power these mountains have.”

QUOTE QUESTION: What celebrations invite you to share the richness of your culture?

IMAGE CONTEXT: Profile photo on Weave a Real Peace website: “Creating a Connected Textile Community to foster a global network of enthusiasts who value the importance of textiles to grassroots economies.”

IMAGE QUESTION: What craftworks surround you to reflect the richness of your culture?

MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a video by the Smithsonian Network. The photo is from a grassroots textile artisans’ network.

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: How do you decide upon institutional or grassroots media outlets as the best means to share your People’s cultural inheritance?

SUPPORT THE QUECHUA: www.quechuabenefit.org/donate



“For us, the bridge is the soul and spirit of our Inca (ancestors) that touches & caresses us like the wind. If we stop preserving it, it would be like if we die"


“We children have inherited an ancient culture which understands that everything is interrelated, that nothing is divided and nothing is outside.”