“Our Elders did not pray, they just talked with nature. I can do the same.”
Dmitri Nikolayevich Begunov
(duh-me-tree nick-oh-lie-ah-vitch beg-oo-nov)
reindeer herder
IMAGE SOURCE: Photo from the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 1897-1902. Institute of the Indigenous Peoples, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015. | QUOTE SOURCE: Tero and Kaisu Mustonen. “Life in the Cyclic World: A Compendium of Traditional Knowledge from the Eurasian North.” Snowchange Cooperative, 2016.
QUOTE CONTEXT: “Nature feeds me. It helps me. I can speak with the grass, bushes and water – I can speak with all things. This is a life for me. It is inborn.“
QUOTE QUESTION: How do you communicate with nature?
IMAGE CONTEXT: Camps of the Chukchi and Yukaghir peoples in Kolyma region, NE Siberia, late 1800s.
IMAGE QUESTION: Where can you go to stand with elders in nature?
MEDIA LITERACY CONTEXT: The quote is from a blog post by a cooperative organization devoted to the advancement of traditions and culture of Arctic peoples. The photo is from an academic archive.
MEDIA LITERACY QUESTION: What might your great grandparents have said about your people’s lives becoming visible to people all over the earth via Internet technology?
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